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New Canadian Money

As if American boaters aren't confused enough by Canada's strange currency, the Canadian government is now introducing new plastic bills. Here's a news story...

New Lake-Charlevoix Harbor

04/27/2023 Corrected link to harbor report. JM

Drowning doesn't always look like drowning

SURPRISINGLY drowning is almost always a deceptively quiet event. The waving, splashing, and yelling that dramatic conditioning (television) prepares us to look for, is rarely seen in real life.

In reality, there is very little splashing, no waving, and no yelling or calls for help of any kind. To get an idea of just how quiet and undramatic from the surface drowning can be, consider this:

Lake Superior Novel

A new novel of Lake Superior is receiving lavish praise and awards. A review of the novel is here...

Great Lakes Rendezvous Article

Great Lakes Boating magazine has a very nice article about GLCC's 2011 Rendezvous in Gore Bay.

The article is in the June 2011 publication on page 44.

Click here to read the article

June Lifeline Now Available

 Read about the GLCC’s Spring Break adventures in the BVIs; the success of the GLCCSchool’s first season; the report from the Grosse Pointe Regional Meeting; the plans for Lake Superior Rally; the upcoming Southern Georgian Bay Rally; and the second installment of Phil McCauley and Bernadine Rolnicki's The North Channel Adventures of Meridian and Her Crew (Winner of the 2010 Founders’ Award).

New Planning Guides Available

During the past months, experienced GLCC volunteers have developed two new planning documents to assist our members arrange the Club’s future events. The documents are: RENDEZVOUS PLANNING GUIDE and PRODUCING A MEMBERSHIP DINNER. Both are now available on this website’s POLICIES & GUIDELINES section.  

Commenting - A Reminder

 Members—if you want to respond to a story on the web site's front page, or add a comment, just click on the story's title. A new page will open up with a comment text box...

Lime Island Park May Close

 As part of Michigan's tight budget problems, the Lime Island park and docks on the St. Mary's River may be closed this summer. News story here...

Quagga Mussel Time Bombs

An interesting story about one of the invasive species on the Lakes—the quagga mussel. Newspaper story here...