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Fitzgerald Memorial

 A memorial tribute—to commemorate the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald in 1975—is set for Thursday, November 10, 7 pm, at the Whitefish Point museum, north of Sault Ste. Marie. Details are here...

Record Wave in Lake Michigan

A 23-foot wave was recorded by Lake Michigan's mid-lake southern buoy on Friday—the highest since readings began in 1981. Here's a news story...


Cruisers' Net Recoveries

 The North-Channel Cruisers' Net performs valuable service for cruisers. Here are two tales of recoveries from 2011...

Adagio I Status

 As most members know,  GLCC Commodore J.E. Fordyce and Michèle had planned to head south on Adagio I. At last report, they were stalled because of the closing of the Erie Canal, the result of torrential rains from hurricanes Lee and Irene. They are currently in Toronto, awaiting developments. You can follow their progress (or lack of progress) on their blog:

Erie Canal Closed

 For members thinking of exiting the lakes via the Erie Canal, be advised that the canal is closed because of the aftermath of Hurricane Irene. Details here...

Horn Activation Changing

 From the Ninth-District weekly notice to mariners:

"The U. S. Coast Guard will be changing the radio frequency to turn on radio-controlled fog signals to channel 83A (157.175 MHz) by 01 July 2012.

"During this transition period, mariners should use both channel 79 (156.975 MHz) and channel 83A (157.175 MHz) to energize the fog signal."

Notice that it's VHF channel 83A, not 83B, which is the Canadian weather channel.

GLCC extends their well-wishes to the town of Goderich

On Sunday 8/22, in only a few short minutes, a tornado had ravaged parts of this lakeside town, which calls itself "the prettiest town in Canada." It is now in a state of emergency.

One man is dead and another 37 people are reported injured.

Wilderness Rally 2011

 The 2011 Wilderness Rally was a big success. Details here...

Armin S. "Doc" Roe

It is with great sadness, we have to report long-time GLCC member and Great Lakes Foundation supporter Armin S. "Doc" Roe passed away on June 30. He was born in Lansing, MI, in 1930. “Doc” was passionate about boating and the Great Lakes, and and taught navigation and safe boating practices in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. For his obituary please click HERE

GLCC Commodore J.E. Fordyce:

Reminder - Fuel Prices

 As you begin your cruise, please check fuel prices at your stops, and post the information in the "Diesel $" discussion forum on this web site. Here's an example, from member Alan Tigner...