Weather, Navigation, & Marine Info
- NOAA's Great Lakes Marine Forecast
- NOAA's Great Lakes Water Levels
- NOAA's Great Lakes Surface Currents (select desired lake)
- NOAA's Great Lakes Ice Cover
- National Weather Service Great Lakes Radar
- Port Huron Weather (Past Commodore Mel Wallbank's Weather Station)
- LakeErieWX (Mark Thornton's Website)
- Granite Island Light Station, Marquette, MI
- Canadian Marine Weather
- Environment Canada Ontario Radar
- Great Lakes Marine Traffic (also World wide AIS tracker)
- MAFOR Sheets
- National Data Buoy Center (Eastern Great Lakes)
- National Data Buoy Center (Lake Superior)
- Upper Great Lakes Observing System (U-GLOS)
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Current Great Lakes Water Levels
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Monthly Bulletin of Great Lakes Water Levels
- Scientific Wave Predictions
- US Chart 1
- NOAA Charts
- NOAA Official print-on-demand agents for nautical products.
- U.S. Coast Guard Notices to Mariners, Great Lakes
- U.S. Coast Pilot 6 (Great Lakes)
- U.S. Light List 7 (Great Lakes)
- CHS Chart 1
- Canadian Hydrographic Service Charts
- Canadian Coast Guard - Notices to Mariners