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More 2008 Rendezvous Photos

 More photos from the 2008 Rendezvous are available here...


Litttle Current Aerial Photos

High winds out of the west and very low ceilings prevented taking the aerial photos of the Rendezvous as planned.  However a break in the weather occured Tuesday when the winds died and the heavy overcast started to break up.  Fortunately we were able to take off from the Manitoulin East Airport and make a few passes along the waterfront from the west to the east.  The proximity of the swing bridge and the large transmission towers just east of the bridge ruled out any low flying. See a larger version of th

2008 Rendezvous-Tuesday

Tuesday at the 2008 Rendezvous in Little Current featured a seminar on the geology of the North Channel, a knitters get-together, cardboard-boat races, an official meeting of the members with the GLCC officers, the world-famous Bilge Auction with auctioneer John Winter, and the formal final event—the Commodore's Dinner, Dance, and Awards Ceremony.

Monday at the Little Current Rendezvous

Monday was a busy day at the 2008 Rendezvous, with a seminar on nautical history, a port-captain's meeting, the annual dog show, and lots and lots of wind (for the third day in a row).

Evening dinner was "on  your own," but a large group assembled at Spider Bay for a bring-your-own barbecue and a salute to Rear-Commodore Bud Zalon, for his 80th birthday. 

The evening ended with a sing-along, featuring GLCC artists.

Little Current Rendezvous Opens

The 2008 Rendezvous got underway in Little Current, July 12. Shown here is one of the late arrivals—Ted & Venetia Moorhouse on Fairy Tale, just arriving from the Chesapeake. More photos of Saturday's events are here...

Leamington Rally a Jamaican Hit

Our annual Lake Erie Rally was held June 13 – 15 in Leamington, Ontario. 

A pre-event trip to a local winery for tasting and dinner was attended by 40 of our members. Friday included Happy Hour and a great chicken and fish dinner in the pavilion. Saturday brought a pancake and sausage breakfast provided by the Leamington Yacht Club. 

Heads-up Pet Owners

While cruising near our home port of Britt, ON, on one of the Islands in Black Bay, our 11 month old West Highland Terrier had the misfortune of being bitten by a Massassauga rattler. Luckily we had consulted a vet on what to do in just such an occasion and were able to quickly get an adult dose of Benadryl into her.

Ladies of the Lights

Lighthouse keeping in the 19th and early 20th centuries was a rugged life of long hours and hard work punctuated by periods of real peril. Not a profession for the fainthearted, it was thought to be unsuitable employment for the “fairer sex.” At least 50 women in Michigan proved the naysayers wrong. Acting as both assistants and full-fledged keepers, these women served the sailing community with distinction for more than 100 years—often juggling their official duties with the demands of raising a family.

New IMax Movie

 There's a new IMax movie of "Mysteries of the Great Lakes," now opening in Canada. Here's an early review... One of the stars of the film is the Great Lakes giant fish, the sturgeon. Here's a story on their role in the film...

Sarnia Meeting

 A beautiful spring day in Sarnia, Ontario, when GLCC members gathered for our Southwestern Ontario Regional Meeting. Read more about the meeting.