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Toronto Boat Show 2009

The GLCC booth at the Toronto Boat Show was a big success—staffed by GLCC volunteers like Mel Wallbank and Carl and Patty Lundgren  (shown in the photo). Details here...


New Port Captain, Port Dalhousie, Ontario

Roy Cairns has been appointed GLCC Port Captain for Port Dalhousie Harbour in Lake Ontario. Here's a biographical note...


New Historical Marker for Sturgeon Bay

 A new historical marker has been set for the Sturgeon Bay canal, with some interesting history on display. Details here...

Erie-Ontario Cruising Blog

 Members Debbie and Bill Boehm have posted a blog of their  2008 cruise of 1,000 miles up Lake Erie and around Lake Ontario. They say that the blog is not heavy on port info, but they have detailed observations they'd be happy to share with any interested members. Their blog is here.... They can be e-mailed through the GLCC Contact page...

New GLCC Director

Chuck Mead has been elected to a 3-year term as Director of the Club. Chuck is from Cincinnati and sails aboard his Tartan 3700, Blue Horizon. Here's a brief biographical account:

Year-End Donation

All GLCC members are also members of the Great Lakes Foundation, our charitable companion organization. President John Blossom urges all members to consider an end-of-the-year donation. Download this document for details...

The National Press

 GLCC members Bill and Judy Rohde are featured in the January 2009 issue of Cruising World magazine. They were selected as one of 4 couples to serve as "Secret Shoppers" and judges for the magazine's Boat-of-the-Year contest. Unlike the professional judges, who were feted and fawned over by the boat builders, Bill and Judy anonymously surveyed the boats at the Annapolis Boat Show and then were de-briefed by the Cruising World editors.

Outstanding Harbor Report Contribution

Among the many excellent contributions to the GLCC harbor reports in 2008, Port-Captain Jim Caraway of Milwaukee certainly stands at the head of the line for his superb new aerial photos, like the one shown of Fish Creek, Wisconsin. Check out his 2008 work, particularly from Milwaukee north along the Wisconsin shore and in the Green Bay harbor reports on the web page...

NASA's Image of the Day, Dec. 25

Winter colors the landscape white in this image of Lake Nipigon captured by the MODIS on the Aqua satellite captured on December 22, 2008. In this image, the lake, which resembles a large white splotch, is covered with ice and snow. Lake Nipigon, located in Ontario, Canada lies just north of Lake Superior in the US. The much larger Lake Superior is located in the bottom right corner of the image.

A Little Canal History

 In addition to the Erie, U.S. canals included some in the Midwest. Here's a little history...