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Visit Detour Channel, circa 1950.

In this month's installment of our look back to the 1950’s, we visit the Western gateway to the North Channel.  Cruisers from the lower Lakes, would mostly likely pass this way as they proceed to their favorite cruising grounds, and it is telling.  The Great Lakes Cruising Club has, surely, come a long way, but so has Detour.  It wasn’t lost on the State of Michigan how important this channel is to not only to freighter traffic, but small boat traffic.  The upgraded marina is a far cry from the marina of 1950.

2014 GLCC Rendezvous at Leamington, Ont.

Come one, come all,

We know you’ll have a ball!


It will be here before you know it, “The 2014 Great Lakes Cruising Club Annual Rendezvous.” This year (2014) is the 80th anniversary of the club and is being held at the Leamington Municipal Marina, Leamington, Ontario, July 12th–16th, 2014. Click here for more information about this event.

Printed harbor report name right justified

For the printed (PDF versions), the Harbor Report name has now be right justified instead of left justified at the top of the first page.  This makes it easier, when put in a binder, to see the Harbor Report name.  For those of you who download an electronic version of the Harbor Report, please remember to look right when scanning for the report name.  This was done at the request of Lou Bruska, Port Pilot & Log Book Committee Chair.

The Straits of Mackinac Before The Bridge

The year is 1952 and the Mackinac Bridge is still in the talking stages.  GLCC members, who passed through the Straits of Mackinac on their way to the North Channel and beyond, had a very different view.  En route, they probably visited one or more of these locations. Step back in time when the gateway to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula was still by ferry. When the current marinas, future sites of GLCC Rendezvous, are yet to be built.

Expanded member search

The member search capability has been expanded to include city, state, email, berthing region and marina.  This will give our members the ability to find  GLCCers in their area.  The columns displayed have been increased to include city, state and marina to confirm the search. To allow room for the additional columns, the right side member navigation bar has been removed for the member list page only.  Now our members can take advantage of this search to readily find members they haven't met before and exchange boating stories over the winter.

Michigan DNR announces new reservation system

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) new Central Reservation System (CRS) for state parks and harbors is now open for reservations of all types at

Belle Isle in the Detroit River to become Michigan State Park

Detroit’s historic Belle Isle Park will begin a transition to becoming Michigan’s 102nd state park, following action November 12, 2013  by  Detroit's Local Emergency Financial Assistance Loan Board. Read article here.

Do Great Lakes Boaters Need to Track Hurricanes??? ... You Bet They Do!

Click HERE to read Great Lakes marine weather expert Mark Thornton's recently published review and analysis of Hurricane Sandy’s destruction of two Cleveland, Ohio, marinas. (Note - Mark recently joined the GLCCSchool faculty and will be teaching a class on Great Lakes thunderstorms this winter - see GLCCSchool for class details)

Announcing the NEW GLCCSchool

The All NEW GLCCSchool is now open for business with additional faculty members, a refreshed and expanded curriculum, a totally new web site and more. For more information click here or click directly to the new to take a look.

Vintage Harbor Reports

Eighty years and still counting!