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Grosse Pointe Meeting

02/14/2022 Updated link to additional info. JM

No Longer Squaw I

The Georgian Bay wilderness anchorage known as "Squaw Island" (harbor report GB-55) has had a name change. It is now officially "Odjig Island." The change was announced last year but may have been overlooked by many who cruise the area.

The new GLCC web-page harbor report will reflect the name change.

Here's a xerox of  the Manitoulin Expositor report: (by the way, the first story on page 1 below mentions "Skippy Dippy Island" in the Bay of Islands. Anyone know which island that is?)

Lake Erie Wreck Site

 A new web site has come on-line, covering shipwrecks and maritime tales along the Ohio shoreline of Lake Erie. View it here...

Did You Know...

 ...that there are approximately 2,800 closings and advisories of Great Lakes beaches each year? The closings come from heavy rains that wash billions of gallons of raw sewage overflow into the lakes from cities and towns in the watershed.

-report by  Midwest Lakes Policy Center



There are many things in life more important than cruising. When you find out what they are, let me know....

Charlevoix Construction

Charlevoix Construction

Construction of the waterfront park in Charlevoix, April 6, 2008. The new floating docks look finished, but the waterfront construction--to include a new marina building--looks doubtful, even though it is supposed to be finished by the opening of this season.

Eat That Fish (no)


How to choose which fish to eat...


Great Lakes Historic Maps


Here's a fascinating new web page on historical maps of the Great Lakes, including 100-year-old Great Lakes charts...


A Different Kind of Cruise


Looking for something different? Download this report on the Erie Canal as a cruising destination, by members Bob and Marion Gillette.


Brant Gebhart Artwork

This is the work of BRANT GEBHART—artist and retired museum exhibit illustrator from Ohio. He lives on his sailboat in Ontario during the summer months and paints landscapes of the North Channel and Georgian Bay. His website of these paintings and prints is —please have a look. He has enjoyed meeting GLCC members. Many visit his collector's shops at CYC in Gore Bay, Treasure Cove in Little Current, and the Quarterdeck in Killarney.