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Summer 2017 Lifeline Now Available

Summer is here! Hopefully your boat is in the water and fitted out for cruising. GLCC has many events planned on the lakes this summer and we strongly encourage each and every one of you to get out on the water and participate — you’ll be glad you did. (The Rendezvous, which is in Sturgeon Bay, Wis. this year, is truly a special tradition for our Club.) This issue of Lifeline has all the information needed to get you underway. Please click here to read more. Click here to access the 2017 Summer Lifeline magazine, and here for updates and information on GLCC Events.

BoatUS Consumer ALERT:

Official-Looking Vessel Documentation Renewal Notices Can Lead to Confusion and Higher Costs.  Our Thanks to Port Captain Denny Dutcher (West Harbor, Ohio E-16.8) for bringing this to our attention!  ALEXANDRIA, VA, April 6, 2017 – Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) Consumer Protection Department is advising boaters with vessels having a US Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation to be wary of any letter arriving by US mail offering renewal. An increasing number of BoatUS members have complained that these letters direct them to websites that may be mistaken for the actual US Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Center located in Falling Waters, West Virginia, and appear to show a significant increase in the annual fee to renew US Coast Guard (USCG) documentation.  The USCG web site is (Removed link to BoatUS announcement as it has been removed)

Lifeline, March 2017

Spring is here; at least that is what it says on the cover of this issue of Lifeline. But as    boaters we know its spring because the covers are coming off our boats, and the annual rites of spring begin. Need new or replacement gear? Check out the supplies and equipment for your fitting-out from our Lifeline advertisers. This issue also contains important information on the digital "Float Plan" and how to use it. There’s a lot of new information inside: GLCCSchool webinars, GLCC events and the second installment of this year’s Founders Award. We invite you to peruse the upcoming events. Click here to access the GLCC magazine. For updates and information on GLCC Events click here.

GLCC Sponsors Kayak World Record Attempt

"Saturday December 16th  I’ve paddled 3582 miles. It’s been a life changing adventure but... Winter is here and it’s time to stop. Thank you to everyone who has supported me in this endeavor. Thank you to all of my team members and hosts..." Kayak racer Traci Lynn Martin has spent most of year 2017 kayaking to break the existing world record for the most miles traveled by kayak in a year. Her route was to include the circumferences of each of the Great Lakes, however, her journey has come to an end due to the frigid temperatures, ice and high winds this December. She started in Port Huron, Mich. at the Fort Gratiot Lighthouse and concluded in Lake Ontario in Canada. Please click here to read more...

New Master Index of Harbor Reports

A new feature has been added to the Harbor Reports.  A linked master index of ALL Harbor Reports as been added to the list of Report sections.  Please click HERE to view the new addition at the end of the list of main Report sections on the GLCC Harbor Reports page.

Lifeline, December 2016

It’s Winter 2017, time sure flies — that means spring is right on its heels. Hurray! It also means you have a little more time before Spring Break to read this issue of Lifeline! Click here to read more.

Port Captain Introductions: Brad Somers & Ed Mahoney

Please join us as we thank and congratulate Port Captain’s Brad Somers and Ed Mahoney on being appointed another port of watch! They volunteered and were assigned the additional responsibility on October 22, 2016; Brad for Bob Lo Island, Ont. (D-86) and Ed for Cleveland, Ohio (E-10). Please give them a call or stop by and say “hello” next time you are “cruising” through one of the ports — by land or by sea!

Port Captain Introductions: Dave & Kathy Spencer

London is a landlocked city in southwestern Ontario that Dave and Kathy Spencer have called home for most of their lives. Despite the absence of navigable water in London, Dave has spent most of his life sailing dinghies and runabouts thanks to a family cottage on the Trent Severn Waterway. Dave and Kathy didn’t get into the joys of cruising until 2005 when they bought a good old CS27. They got hooked while cruising from Bayfield, Ont. up to Georgian Bay’s North Channel and back several times. Since then, they have graduated to their beloved Catalina 34, Good Idea, and have moved their home port to Lion’s Head to enjoy its proximity to the North Channel and the wonderful anchorages on Georgian Bay within a couple of hours sail of Lion’s Head — perfect for a weekend getaway. Please click here to read more.

The Bagley's on Catamount go into Uncharted Waters

Member Fred Bagley, a frequent writer for sailing magazines, is featured in the 40th Anniversary issue of Cruising World. He writes about cruising into uncharted waters in Georgian Bay.  Besides his wife Jennnifer, he credits GLCC members Jim & Bobbie Wooll and Ron & Jo Dwelle for leading him into "white" areas. Click the title to read his article "Uncharted on the Great Lakes."

Port Captain Introductions: Dan and Linda Cline

Dan and Linda Cline, previous Port Captains for Port Sheldon (M-23.5) since January, 2014 have enjoyed cruising Lake Michigan on their Island Packet 320 sailboat since 2004. Originally berthed in Holland, Michigan, they recently moved to Traverse City this year and moved their boat Wildwood to Betsie Bay Marina in Frankfort (M-16) to be closer to their new home; subsequently becoming the harbors new GLCC Port Captains. Both are expecting to devote more time to exploring northern Lake Michigan, Green Bay, and the Great Lakes. Please click here to read further.