Tuesday in the GLCCSchool – Cruising the Remote Waters of Northern Georgian Bay
The northern portion of the Georgian Bay offers true wilderness cruising. This is the area where in 1615 Samuel de Champlain first set his eyes on the Georgian Bay. Even today, much of the area has no roads, a few water-access only cottages and lots of unsounded coastal waters. Join Dave Spencer on Tuesday, February 4th as he guides you through these beautiful waters and shows you how to use the GLCC Harbor Reports to access the special places most cruisers are wary to go. Don’t miss Cruising the Remote Waters of Northern Georgian Bay.
Dave Spencer is no stranger to Ontario’s watery wonderland. As a young boy he spent many summers at this family’s cottage along on the Trent Severn Waterway. Currently Dave and his wife Kathy spend their summers exploring the Georgian Bay and the North Channel on their boat Good Idea. Dave is a GLCC Rear Commodore who lives in London, Ontario and harbors his boat in Midland.
Register now at the Great Lakes Cruising Club School.
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