Planning on visiting Isle Royale while you are in Lake Superior for the Rendezvous this summer? Be sure and check out member Fred Bagley's article "A Royale Cruising Ground" in the April, 2016 issue of Sail magazine. Pick up your copy now if you don't subscribe.
As a follow-up to the Wednesday 12/16 GLCC Webinar "Safety for Shorthanded Cruisers and Cruising Couples", the popular SUDDENLY ALONE (SA) program originally developed by the Cruising Club of America (CCA) and the Bonnell Cove Foundation has been repackaged as a small scale "do it yourself" presentation for sailing clubs and organizations and renamed Safety for Cruising Couples (SCC). For more information click HERE.
At the 2015 GLCC Annual General Meeting in London, ON, Executive Director of Georgian Bay Forever, David Sweetnam spoke on invasive species in the Great Lakes. The key message is to be vigilant and to help prevent invasive species from establishing themselves in these waters. Once established, the costs to eradicate them are extremely high. Here are some examples of the costs of invasive zebra mussels: • Cost the power industry alone $3.1 billion in the 1993-1999 period • Impact on industries, businesses, and communities over $5 billion • Ontario Hydro reported zebra mussel impacts of $376,000 annually per generating station
Georgian Bay Forever is a charity dedicated to scientific research and public education on Georgian Bay's aquatic ecosystem. To learn more about their efforts, please visit GeorgianBayForever.
The GLCC now has a Facebook page, but we'd like help in reaching more Great Lakes boaters. You can start helping by simply inviting your Facebook friends to like the GLCC Facebook site. It's as simple as 1, 2, 3! To start click HERE.
Great Lakes Marine Weather Guru and GLCCSchool weather instructor Mark Thornton recently created several new climatology pages on his marine weather company's web site. To view the more detailed post about this analysis with links to each Great Lake click HERE. To look at a sample analysis for Lake Huron click Huron.
We can all cite innumerable examples of radio abuse by people keying their mic without first learning VHFbasics. Plus the potential life-saving capabilities of VHF Digital Selective Calling (DSC), not to mention its convenience, seem to remain a mystery to many. Today's issue of Sail Magazine's electronic publication addresses both of those subjects. The article is short and well worth a read by both captain and crew.
Coincident with Earth Day BoatUS made its Clean Boating course available free. For more information and links to register click HERE.
We are saddened to report the loss of Port Captain (Ret) David A. Jeffries. David was a long term member of the GLCC serving as Port Captain of Rocky River from 2005-2012. He was an avid single-handed trailer sailor, taking his Catalina 22, WYNDANCER to many GLCC events. He was found frequently in the North Channel during the summer. He was the proud recipient of the Commodore's Award at the 2014 Leamington Rendezvous. As he said, he sailed up I75 at 70 MPH bringing his boat from Florida for the distinct purpose of attending the Rendezvous. Later he attended the Wilderness Rally at Turnbull Island and the Georgian Bay Rally at Keyhole. He died on April 9 in Florida spending his last hours comfortably with his son. There are no immediate services planned but a memorial service is expected to be held this summer on Lake Erie.
The famous freighter Arthur M. Anderson finally made it into port for winter lay-up on March 4. It's month-long futile slog from Indiana to Ohio to pick up cargo ended with it returning to Sturgeon Bay, WS with empty holds. It looks like this winter's ice build up on the Great Lakes will be a repeat of last year's deep freeze when the shipping slowdown cost 4000 jobs and $705 million in economic losses. See full article here.
A link has been added to the Weather, Navigation & Marine section of Links to view maps of the ice buildup on the Great Lakes.
NOAA and the British Geological Survey recently completed the most current update of their World Magnetic Model (WMM). For information on this model and what it means to you, click HERE.