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Great Lakes Climatology Analysis For Each Lake

Posted by William Rohde
June 23, 2015

Great Lakes Marine Weather Guru and GLCCSchool weather instructor Mark Thornton recently created several new climatology pages on his marine weather company's web site. As he states: "The average direction and speed of the wind at a specific location is influenced by the large-scale weather patterns across the Great Lakes, but it is also subject to geography and other local effects. These localized effects can produce remarkably different average wind and wave patterns even when the locations are relatively close to one another". To delve more deeply into these effects and what they mean to boaters, Mark undertook a climatology analysis for several stations on each of the Great Lakes plus Lake St. Clair. His analysis defines the boating season as May through October, and displays the average wind speed and direction by month through the use of wind roses and wind speed distribution charts. Check the data out here:

Lake Erie

Lake Huron 

Lake Michigan

Lake Ontario

Lake St. Clair

Lake Superior

Thanks, Mark, for kindly allowing us to post links to this wealth of data on your web site.

Mark's company's web site is