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South Manitou Ferry Dock move - comments needed

Posted by Amy Babinchak
December 26, 2024

The plan is to move the island ferry dock in the middle of the bay. This is the only suitable anchorage in the bay and will drastically effect anchoring opportunities. Your comments are needed. Please use the link below.…



Tue, 12/31/2024 - 16:58


Thank you Amy for bringing this to our attention, and for all today is the last day to comment.

I entered my comments against the proposal (which is an application to the environmental authority here in Michigan "EGLE" based on (just a summary of what I wrote):

1. My experience with the forever damage and unintended consequences of similar projects during my tenure in the USCG

2. The water side area at the end of Chicago Road and the old dock is the most pristine and safest island anchorage in all of Lake Michigan (in my opinion anyway) and the addition of 66 pilings, 325' of dock 13.2' wide along with 2 moorings with 75' swing will have an environmental impact on the area, as well as the safety of ALL boaters that will have NO where else to anchor in the manitou islands.

3. Although I understand the balance of use and preservation of our natural resources, continued maintenance of the current dock provides this balance, environmentally, fiscally and access which the new dock and moorings would not.

Thanks to all that have taken a few minutes to express your thoughts to EGLE as well:

Public Notice - Details - MiEnviro Portal

ParkPlanning - South Manitou Island Dock Extension

NPS seeks comment on Manitou Island project at Sleeping Bear Dunes

Len Buchanan

Fri, 12/27/2024 - 10:55


I read over the document as best I could and I can find no 'reason' why the ferry dock would be moving.  Is this in addition to the existing dock? Is the existing dock in that bad of shape?  If it is to replace, then why not either fix or replace the existing dock, which is where the visitors center is?  

To me, it doesn't make sense as the buildings and access is much better where the dock is currently.  However, I'm not sure if that is a 'valid' reason for an objection.

I am assuming that there is no concern for boaters who have anchored up on the old dock site for years.

I have added a comment to the official comment section and have stipulated that I am NOT in favor.  Environmental considerations should outweigh anything.

I did submit another comment on adding mooring balls to the harbor.  That would be a great addition to the Park.