You could earn 2025 GLCC Founders Award
It’s that time of year when we dream about summer vacations and cruising. The annual Founders Award is given to the best cruising story submitted (6,000 words or less) referencing your log of a cruising trip completed in a single season.
This award honors members for their skill and artistry recording their Great Lakes cruise along with their involvement in club activities.
Why is it called the Founders Award?
This award honors the original eight founding members of the GLCC who came together in 1934 (90 years ago) to share information obtained from their respective summer cruises – for their own edification, safety and to expand the knowledge of cruising on the Great Lakes.
Please submit your entry to the GLCC office no later than March 15, 2025 (a slight extension from the printed date of March 1, 2025).
Your Founders Award submission must meet the following criteria:
1. It must cover one Great Lakes cruising season
2. It must be written so it can be included in GLCC publications
3. It must include photos / charts / diagrams of 300dpi or higher resolution
4. It must be in electronic form of text and photos, etc. material. (MS Word, blog or website log extractable to MS word or iMac equivalent)
5. The submission length is not to exceed 6,000 words, including title, headings and photo / chart descriptions
The complete submission requirements can be found here:
We look forward to reading your stories!
Beth Mansfield, Founders Award Committee Chair
Heidi Egensperger, GLCC Founders Award Committee Member