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Welcome to the New GLCC Website

Posted by Joann Mead
January 30, 2021

The new GLCC Website has launched!  We hope you find it easy to navigate, more modern and mobile friendly.  There are several new features that should be highlighted: 

  • Dropdown menu items.
  • More modern Homepage.
  • The ability to create a PDF of a subgroup of Harbor Reports with an active table of contents and internal links.
  • The ability to review changes to Harbor Reports multiple ways.
  • The linking of the two membership accounts so updating addresses and boat information only has to be done once.
  • Improved mobile friendliness of the site.

Please note that your login credentials remain the same.

There is a Webinar you can attend or view to learn about the new site.

If you have questions or comments please send a message to or use the Contact US menu item above.

Alan Clark

Thu, 02/04/2021 - 17:43


Joann, Chuck, Yvonne and all who worked hard to make our new web site and put up with those like me who struggled to get in and FINALLY made it. Good Job, Love the new look!

Thanks again

Alan Clark

s/v Anam Cara