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Visit Detour Channel, circa 1950.

Posted by Louis Bruska
December 16, 2013

In this month's installment of our look back to the 1950’s, we visit the Western gateway to the North Channel.  Cruisers from the lower Lakes, would mostly likely pass this way as they proceed to their favorite cruising grounds, and it is telling.  The Great Lakes Cruising Club has, surely, come a long way, but so has Detour.  It wasn’t lost on the State of Michigan how important this channel is to not only to freighter traffic, but small boat traffic.  The upgraded marina is a far cry from the marina of 1950.  So as you view this report on Detour, make sure to read the current Harbor Report.

Bill Rohde

Mon, 12/16/2013 - 22:06


Thanks so much, Lou, for resurrecting these older harbor reports to share with us. It's interesting to see how our club's harbor report capabilities developed and modernized over time, and equally fascinating to see how the services available to boaters in these more far flung areas advanced as cruising became more and more popular.