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TowBoatU.S. Comes to Drummond Island, MI at the Request of BoatU.S. Members

Posted by Cindy Badley
June 22, 2016

Fellow Great Lakes Cruising Club member Dennis Bailey of Drummond Island, Mich. NC-1 (link available to GLCC members), and owner of a TowBoatU.S. vessel was recently featured in an article in the BoatU.S. May 25, 2016 publication. It talks about how Dennis has been helping boaters since he was a child and now owns his families’ business; Drummond Island Yacht Haven


Tue, 07/12/2016 - 20:45


That's a great fit! I saw Dennis towing a sailboat last year from DeTour to his marina. The boater was filling his water and his fuel at the same time and the water overflowed in to the fuel.