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ROAM and Entering the USA

Posted by Mark Gagyi
July 24, 2023

We had friends that crossed Lake Erie from Port Stanely ON to Huron OH last Saturday, July 22nd   As they approached their home port they opened their US CBP ROAM App to report their arrival.  The app would not work.  They called the CBP office in Port Clinton OH and were told they were experiencing problems with the app.  The CBP officer kindly cleared them into the US. I have no idea if that problem was short term or on going, nor do I know if it was localized to central Lake Erie or beyond.

However, the moral of the story is --- When you are traveling include in your boat's travel documents the phone number of at least a couple US CBP offices.


Mon, 07/24/2023 - 19:23


Hi Mark!

Our yacht club near Gananoque Ontario had an event two weeks ago at Clayton NY.  About 16 boats attended and we all used the ROAM app to clear Customs and many had problems with the app.  Fortunately at the Clayton Town dock there was a dedicated terminal that allowed folks to keep trying to clear and everyone was able to get entry, so I suspect that the problem is system wide.  I agree with you that it is important to have your travel documents at hand and would also suggest that you have a “Q” flag handy to indicate that you are awaiting clearance in case any authorities should pass by and doubt your efforts to comply.