Breadcrumb Photo Gallery North Channel Reverie's favorite North Channel Anchorage Reverie's favorite North Channel Anchorage Last updated by James J. Wooll September 6, 2017 Located in Iroquois Bay, the northern most bay of the McGergor Bay area. Know at Key Hole, Frying Pan or Eye of the Needle depending on which local you ask. The anchorage is written up Permalink The anchorage is written up in the McGregor Bay report Location Permalink These anchorages sound very nice. Can you provide the lat and lon for them? Thanks! Become a Member How to Join Member Benefits & Discounts Membership Application About the GLCC A Bit of History Contact Us Active forum topics best harbor at Lake Erie where Detroit river startsTuesday in the GLCCSchool – Cruising the Remote Waters of Northern Georgian BayWednesday in the GLCCSchool - Lithium Battery Technology for Cruising BoatersThursday in the GLCCSchool – Wilderness Cruising Lake Superior’s Isle Royale Meet the Matleys: The Club is core to their cruisingMore
Location Permalink These anchorages sound very nice. Can you provide the lat and lon for them? Thanks!
The anchorage is written up
PermalinkThe anchorage is written up in the McGregor Bay report
PermalinkThese anchorages sound very nice. Can you provide the lat and lon for them? Thanks!