The National Weather Service is soliciting public comments regarding a proposal to revise their terminology around small craft advisories. The survey only takes a couple of minutes.
Looking for a way to contribute to your GLCC? Consider becoming a port captain. The harbor reports for each port in the Great Lakes are the mainstay of the Club, and Port Captains maintain the report for their port. Want to learn more? Contact Pam Jackson, Port Captain Coordinator, at (Photo by Rear Commodore (Ret.) Brad Somers: Past Commodore Niels Jensen and Port Captain Chester and Ceann Kolascz, 25-year members)
Here's a link to the North Shore Visitor's webpage about the whale sightings on Lake Supeior. It's always fun to follow the reports as they come in during the summer, mainly from along Minnesota's North Shore... and my appologies for posting the link one day later than it should have been. Please see
The spring edition of Lifeline is hot off the press! That is if you get it in the mail… If not, no worries because as a member, you have access to the online edition right here at your fingertips.
The spring Lifeline helps your fitting out with a ten-point checklist, live webinars are in full-swing, there’s a new Lake Erie event in Geneva Start Park Marina this year, and a new Founders Award log. Please click here to read on.
We're weloming our newly appointed Port Captains for Hamilton Harbour, Ont. (O-48) today! Fairly new-to-GLCC members Rick and Debbie McQuin started sailing about 35 years ago with a short hiatus while their two boys were young. They joined Royal Hamilton Yacht Club (RHYC) 22 years ago when their sons started to race competitively. Deb and Rick started the cruising program at RHYC about 15 years ago and continue to represent the Club as Cruise People who organize the reciprocal cruises with Clubs around Western Lake Ontario. Rick is the cruising representative on the Sailing Committee at RHYC. They look forward to welcoming you to Hamilton, Ont.
Today we welcome newly appointed Port Captain Mark Clymer. Here he shares a little about his boating experiences... I have been a year-round resident of Clark Twp. the unit of government covering the Les Cheneaux Islands, Mich. (H-81), and the communities of Cedarville & Hessel, Mich. since 1974. My wife and I now live in a log cabin on McKay Bay, where Kimow II is moored. Please click here to read further.
Looking for a way to contribute to your GLCC?
Whatever Great Lakes region you’re near, there’s a boat show that needs you… The 2020 Progressive Chicago Boat, RV, and Sail Show will be held on January 8–12 at McCormick Place. Arguably, one of the largest shows based on the number of square feet utilized. As with the other Midwest shows, the GLCC will once again have a booth that needs GLCC members to work it. It’s a lot of fun and a very rewarding experience. You will get to know other GLCC members, while explaining to non-members all the benefits of being a member. But the main purpose of the booth is to recruit new members. The boat shows are one of the major sources of new members for the GLCC. And to make the job of selling the GLCC any easier than it already is, there is special boat-show-only pricing. Please click here to read more!
Let's say "Ahoy" to Ken Vannorsdall, our newly appointed Port Captain for Cooley Creek, Ohio (E-20.5)! Here's what he shares about his boating experiences... I believe I owe my love of sailing to my Mom and Dad. It was the summer of ’78 and was at my parent’s campsite. I expected to spend the day fishing with dad. Rather than renting our usual rowboat, dad rented two sunfish. What a great day it was. Back at the campground, dad gave me a brochure for an AMF Sunbird. I bought my first boat on Monday. As they say, the rest is history. To read further, please click here.
Winter Lifeline is here. Instead of a late fall — as most have hoped — we had an early winter, so this issue is apropos to this season! Inside, check out the Harbor Report Update Package changes for the 2020 season, past and upcoming event highlights, boat shows (volunteers always welcome), and the GLCCSchool kicks off its 10th season! Special notes: Please update your online profile as we will be sending the 2020 GLCC Membership Card in the spring. The Commodore and Lifeline Editor encourage your photo submissions for events along with Harbor Report updates from the areas you visit. Please click here to read more.