While the world is still figuring things out, Lifeline remains a constant! Good thing, because it gives us something more for which to be thankful. GLCC’s fall Lifeline is a beacon for us boaters. As we close our season, we look forward to events that will happen in person (2020 Lake Erie Regional Dinner) and via Zoom platform (GLCC & GLF Annual General Membership Meetings — where we say farewell to our beloved Commodore, Rich Barzyk and welcome incoming Commodore, Dan Cline, as well as new and returning Board members). Read how the GLCCSchool webinar registrations were booming this summer, a detailed boaters log that utilizes the harbor reports for a seaworthy venture, and a narrative on joining the GLCC. Click here to read on.
04/27/2023 Corrected link to harbor report. JM
Let’s give a warm welcome to newly appointed Port Captain Thom Serafine for Monroe Harbor - Chicago, Ill. (M-37)! Thom grew up near the shore of Lake Ontario in Webster, N.Y., and later moved to Chicago, Ill., where he learned to sail as an adult. He has been sailing out of Belmont Harbor for over ten years and has done a bare boat charter in the British Virgin Islands with friends. In 2014, he bought SV Inspiration, a 1988 Pearson 31 MK2. After getting her seaworthy, he sailed her to Chicago (M-36) from Sturgeon Bay, Wis. (M-72.5). Please click here to read on!
Message from the Mackinac Island Yacht Club Regatta Committee: We are delighted to share with you that the 2020 Mackinac Island Sailboat Racing schedule will be rolled out in its entirety. We are looking forward to getting back on the water this coming summer for some friendly and fun sailing competition. Races will be administered under the Mackinac Island Yacht Club COVID 19 Guidelines. Guidelines will be explained in detail at the Skippers Meetings before each race. Mackinac Island Yacht Club, along with our generous sponsors... The Pink Pony, MIssion Point Resort and Horns Bar, will be administering four great sailing events in 2020. Mark your calendars for another fabulous season of Island sailboat racing. Please click here to read more!
The Great Lakes Cruising Club's Board of Directors, via a Teleconference call on June 20th, has unanimously agreed to resume the remaining social calendar for this year, effective August 1, 2020, that were not previously cancelled. Our events will strictly adhere to & follow all government restrictions & mandates regarding gatherings due to the COVID-19 virus pandemic. Additionally, A Covid-19 Waiver is required to be completed & returned to the office prior to attending an event by any & all persons attending a GLCC event until further notice.
It is further suggested you closely monitor the club's website for the latest updates on all remaining social events. This is the GLCC events page link, where any changes or guidelines regarding attendance at the remaining events will be posted. The event Chair persons information is also available there for any additional questions.
Rich Baryzk, Commodore
The Great Lakes Cruising Club is looking for someone who is willing to serve as our Delegate to the Cruising Club of America. This is due to the recent passing of Director (Ret.) Robert P. Knight, If you are a member of the Cruising Club of America and are interested in assisting our Club in this capacity, please contact Yvonne at 810-984-4500 or via email to glcclub@att.net. Thank You
Vice Commodore Dan Cline
Introducing George and Mary Thor, as newly appointed Port Captains for Sodus Bay, N.Y. (O-5)! Here’s an inside look at their boating experience. Mary and George moved to the Rochester, N.Y. area in 1973 and started boating on Lake Ontario in 1984 with a Catalina 22. They kept the 22 for only one Summer as they found it a bit small for their two daughters and themselves. They moved up to a Newport 27, a C&C design. In 1985, their second year with SeaWeeter, their 27, they crossed Lake Ontario for Toronto accompanying friends in their Newport 33. In 1987 they cruised to the West entrance to the Murry Canal to enter and explore the Bay of Quinte. Please click here to read more!
Let's give our newly appointed Port Captain, Matt Perry for Bay Harbor, Mich. (M-5.5), a hearty welcome! Matt is a life-long sailor, who grew up on the East Coast with summers spent on Martha’s Vineyard. He started racing in Beach Boats, moving up to Rhodes 19, Shields and went to the nationals in an International 110. Family vacations included bare boat charters from Maine to NYC and the Caribbean before his parents purchased their Bristol 40. Please click here to read further.
GLCC’s summer Lifeline is a reflection of our current situation in today’s version of pandemic reality. This issue of the Lifeline magazine is not as big as what has become its norm; however, it still has the same GLCC character that our membership represents and expects. We hope you enjoy this quick read before venturing out on your boat, safely and in a happy spirit! Along with the event previews, the continuation of the Founders Award log and summer safety article will help you focus on the season at hand. We invite you to take a guess at where the featured lighthouse is and please watch for events opening up this fall… info inside! Please click here to access the 2020 summer Lifeline magazine, and here for updates and information on GLCC Events.
We’d like to welcome Christine Moore Skrocki as newly appointed Port Captain for Caseville, Mich. (H-59) in addition to her title of Port Captain for Linwood, Mich. (H-62). Christine is a second-generation GLCC member. She has been boating her entire life. Her parents, Norman and Gloria Moore, would say "she was born on a boat". They became members of GLCC around 1978 when Chris was a young girl. She has participated in GLCC functions ever since. Please click here to read more!