The ice-breaking season on the Lakes is ending the week of April 13. News story here...
A report covers the complexity of global climate change, as reflected in the Great Lakes. Read the news story...
Scientists are now examining recently discovered "sink holes" under Lake Huron, with unusual life forms. Read the news story...
Winter colors the landscape white in this image of Lake Nipigon captured by the MODIS on the Aqua satellite captured on December 22, 2008. In this image, the lake, which resembles a large white splotch, is covered with ice and snow.
- George Bartlett Midland, Ontario GB-22
Here's an overview of the state of the Great Lakes, by an easterner (feature writer for the Christian Science Monitor). An interest
Here's evidence that the GLCC web page is very easy to use—even a boat cat can handle it. For newcomers, there's lots of basic information under the "Help" button at the top of this page.
Happy Thanksgiving
to all Great Lakes Cruisers...
Take a tour of the first Thanksgiving ship, the Mayflower...
Many think of the Edmund Fitzgerald sinking as the greatest Great Lakes tragedy. But a far greater storm occurred in 1913. Story is here...
New breakwater lights in Muskegon serve dual purpose—intended for safety but a boon to navigation. Story here...