A memorial tribute—to commemorate the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald in 1975—is set for Thursday, November 10, 7 pm, at the Whitefish Point museum, north of Sault Ste. Marie.
A 23-foot wave was recorded by Lake Michigan's mid-lake southern buoy on Friday—the highest since readings began in 1981.
The North-Channel Cruisers' Net performs valuable service for cruisers. Here are two tales of recoveries from 2011...
As most members know, GLCC Commodore J.E. Fordyce and Michèle had planned to head south on Adagio I.
From the Ninth-District weekly notice to mariners:
On Sunday 8/22, in only a few short minutes, a tornado had ravaged parts of this lakeside town, which calls itself "the prettiest town in Canada." It is now in a s
The 2011 Wilderness Rally was a big success. Details here...
As you begin your cruise, please check fuel prices at your stops, and post the information in the "Diesel $" discussion forum on this web site
As if American boaters aren't confused enough by Canada's strange currency, the Canadian government is now introducing new plastic bills.
04/27/2023 Corrected link to harbor report. JM