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  •  A memorial tribute—to commemorate the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald in 1975—is set for Thursday, November 10, 7 pm, at the Whitefish Point museum, north of Sault Ste. Marie.

  • A 23-foot wave was recorded by Lake Michigan's mid-lake southern buoy on Friday—the highest since readings began in 1981.

  •  The North-Channel Cruisers' Net performs valuable service for cruisers. Here are two tales of recoveries from 2011...

  •  As most members know,  GLCC Commodore J.E. Fordyce and Michèle had planned to head south on Adagio I.

  •  From the Ninth-District weekly notice to mariners:

  • On Sunday 8/22, in only a few short minutes, a tornado had ravaged parts of this lakeside town, which calls itself "the prettiest town in Canada." It is now in a s

  •  The 2011 Wilderness Rally was a big success. Details here...

  •  As you begin your cruise, please check fuel prices at your stops, and post the information in the "Diesel $" discussion forum on this web site

  • As if American boaters aren't confused enough by Canada's strange currency, the Canadian government is now introducing new plastic bills.

  • 04/27/2023 Corrected link to harbor report. JM