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  • The December Lifeline has the announcements about the 2013 Rendezvous at Charlevoix, MI, Spring Break at Punta Gorda, FL, and the Lake Superior Mid-Winter Dinner at Duluth, MN, as well as news about the GLCCSchool. Also included are the event reports from the Annual Meetings at Chicago, Wilderness Rally, Lake Huron Rally, Lake Superior Rally, and Lake Erie Regional Meeting.  Click HERE for to read the issue.

  • To check out a short article about our Great Lakes Cruising Club School in the November-December issue of Great Lakes Boating, click Great Lakes Boating. Log in if you're already registered, otherwise click register (it's free), and then proceed to view the virtual November-December issue. The GLCCSchool article is on page 49 of the virtual issue (page 47 of the hard copy if you're a subscriber).

  •     As a part of the harbour improvements ongoing in Meldrum Bay, the main dock, which is badly rotten, is going to be rebuilt. Sadly, this involves the demolition of the iconic freight shed, originally built in 1935.  Though considered by many as a heritage building, it was deemed too costly  a job to try to save it. Click heading to read full story.

  • The Great Lakes Cruising Club School today announced the start of its 2012-13 curriculum year. Eight classes are already open for registration, with over thirty more planned between now and May. Also announced were new cooperative education agreements with both the United States Power Squadrons and the Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons. The roughly 50,000 USPS and CPS members will now enjoy the same GLCCSchool discounts as GLCC members. Watch for upcoming information on reciprocal USPS and CPS course discounts for GLCC members. Click here for details on these exciting new announcements. We hope to see you in class soon!

  • This September issue of the Lifeline has the event reports from the 2012 Rendezvous at Parry Sound; the Leamington Rally, the Sarnia Meeting; registration information about the Annual Meeting at Chicago; and announcements about the 2013 Rendezvous at Charlevoix and 2013 Spring Break at Punta Gorda, FL. Also included is information about the Great Lakes Foundation’s award to Grand Marais, MI, breakwater project. Unfortunately, due to space constraints, the publication of the final installment of Aluva Adventures log (Winner of the 2011 Founders’ Award) has been delayed until December. Please CLICK HERE to read the latest Lifeline.

  • The funding for construction of new breakwater at Grand Marais, Michigan (Grand Marais, Michigan) July [11], 2012 - The Great Lakes Foundation today presented a check for $10,000 to Burt Township Supervisor Jack Hubbard. This grant by the Foundation represents partial funding for the construction of a new breakwater for the Grand Marais Harbor of Refuge. This much needed project has been in the planning and fundraising stages for over five years and construction will be completed this fall.

  • Wings was hit by lightening while underway on Lake St Clair on July 4th.   We got caught in one of those bad squalls that was not predicted, but came up very suddenly.  Do you know where your manual bilge pump handle is located on your boat?  Click on title above for the full story.


    The recent heavy rains, which caused widespread and serious damage along Lake Superior's West End, has impacted the big lake. It can be seen on satellite photos. For a news story about the runoff and its implications, please CLICK HERE to read the Minneapolis Star Tribune's article.


  • Please CLICK HERE to read the stories about the GLCC’s Spring Break adventures at Charlotte Harbor, FL; the continuing success of the GLCCSchool; the plans for the Wilderness Rally, Lake Superior Rally, Lake Huron Rally, and Lake Erie events; as well as well as the third installment of Aluva Adventures (Winner of the 2011 Founders’ Award).

  • This is Toronto Brigantines 50th anniversary year & they really want to fill the boats for this 2012 Summer Season. Please help them spread the news of this unique program for teenagers age 13 to 18 (sailors and non-sailors alike. - No sailing experience needed) that are looking for a unique tall ship sail training adventure this summer. Click here for more information