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    The June 2013 issue of Lifeline includes a review of the GLCCSchool year, many descriptive articles regarding upcoming GLCC events, the 2013 Spring Break summary, and the conclusion of the second installment of Secretary Phil and Althea Doolittle’s cruising log. Information & registration forms for upcoming events are available via the Events page.

    Click HERE to read the latest issue of the Lifeline.

  • Two new promotional videos for the GLCC have been produced.  A high quality one to be used at presentations and boat shows and a shorter version for the web.  Please click here to view our web video.

  • Bernida was the first yacht to win the Bayview Mackinac in 1925 and again in 1927 before being declared too fast. After a decade long restoration she came back to win again in 2012! The boat has a rich sailing history at Bayview in Detroit as well as racing for more than 60 years on Lake Michigan out of numerous yacht clubs including the Muskegon Yacht Club and Pentwater Yacht Club over her 92 year run. She will be enshrined at her permanent home at the Michigan Maritime Museum on June 15 at a special fundraiser. See flyer for more details or click HERE to link directly to the event and donor information.

  • Just in time for the summer season, Detroit Public Television and The Nature Conservancy are teaming up again to bring you another Great Lakes Now town hall event, this time on beaches. The special will feature two panel discussions, hosted by veteran journalist Christy McDonald. Panel 1: "How Safe Are Our Beaches" and Panel 2: "Where Is My Lake?" The panel discussions will take place at Detroit Public Television Studios, May 14, 9 AM - 12 N. The public is invited. See flyer for more information.

  • The Canadian Coast Guard Radio Station in Thunder Bay is slated to close on March 31, 2014, after 104 years of continuous service. It presently serves boaters on Lake Superior, St. Mary’s River, the North Channel, Northern Lake Huron, Georgian Bay, and Lake Winnipeg. Click HERE to read more.

  • Yesterday, part of the Apostle Island’s commercial fishing fleet was breaking ice in order to leave the port of Bayfield, WI, on Lake Superior. It is attractive for the fishermen to be working right now, because of the substantially higher market prices for their products. At this time (April 4, 2013), the south shore of the western end of Lake Superior is still covered with heavy pack ice. The ice cover appears to extend about 20 miles from the shore. 

  • The current low water levels are raising considerable concern among north channel harbor communities. For an update from GLCC Honorary Member and Little Current Cruiser's Net Moderator Roy Eaton on actions currently underway to help mitigate the situation, click here.

  • The March 2013 issue of Lifeline includes a recap of the 27th Lake Superior Annual Mid-Winter Regional Dinner meeting, an invitation to join GLCCSchool and the anticipated Harbor Reports Update Package announcement. Information & registration forms for upcoming events are included here (on-line registration forms are also available via the Events page). Also in this issue, a light-hearted look into fellow members’ (Phil and Althea Doolittle) cruising log.  Click HERE to read the issue.

  • The GLCC will again have a booth at Strictly Sail Boat Show - Chicago being held at Navy Pier from Thursday, January 24, 2013 through Sunday, January 27, 2013.  This boat show is the nation's largest indoor all-sail boat show featuring hundreds of exhibitors showcasing the latest sail boats, marine accessories, the newest sail boat gear, hardware from the top suppliers and seminar sessions given every hour for sailors of all abilities.  Though the show is focused on sailboats, there are some seminars and exhibited equipment that are relevant for powerboats as well. Click HERE to go to event information page.

  • When planning your 2013 summer cruise, the Green Bay harbors and anchorages provide an excellent opportunity to explore a unique corner of northwestern Lake Michigan, before or after attending the GLCC Rendezvous in Charlevoix (M-6), MI. There are 4th of July and other summer activities in almost every community. For more information, please click on the headline above.