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Last Chance for GLCCSchool Recordings

Authored by Mark Gagyi
August 2, 2024

All of the GLCCSchool's live webinars and webinar recordings are absolutely free to GLCC members.  However, to take advantage of this great bargain you must first do two things:

1) Be enrolled in the school. Even if you are a GLCC member you still have to enroll in the GLCCSchool. For security reason the club and the school are separate internet accounts. If you are not enrolled in the GLCCSchool click here

2) Use the GLCC Member's Coupon Code. If you don’t have the code  click here to get your Coupon Code, and remember this code changes every new school year.  (Note: You have to be a member of the GLCC and logged onto the GLCC website to access this code.)

Once you are enrolled and have your coupon code you are ready to get started.

To see all the classes in the GLCCSchool Recording Library, click here.