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Know the rules when boating into foreign waters

Authored by Cindy Badley
June 12, 2024

In this issue of the Lifeline is an article about crossing the border from the US to Canada and vice versa. I wrote this article using materials from CBP and CBSA. The process can seem a bit daunting, yet they also allow us Great Lakes cruisers to explore so much more of our Great Lakes. 

Having Nexus cards does simplify the process. Don’t try to ignore this process. You must check-In when crossing our borders. Period, full stop. The penalties can be severe, up to and including confiscating your boat. 

Pam and I are unfortunately not boating so far this season. Bleu Lagoon, our Lagoon 42-foot catamaran, has some hull delamination and is awaiting repairs in Cleveland. We hope to get the boat launched in July. We are instead taking time to spend with family and friends in Columbus. 

It appears we’ll be attending the Rendezvous in Escanaba via our car. As a member of the GLCC, there are many events planned over the summer. Check out the Event Calendar on the GLCC website for a list of all the activities. Some are FREE. Be safe and enjoy our Great Lakes.
