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GLCC's Facebook Page and Group

Posted by Cynthia Sunstrum
November 27, 2024

I learn something new everyday! Did you know that the GLCC has both a Facebook Page as well as Facebook Group?

The Great Lakes Cruising Club page is a public page - anyone within or outside the Club can opt to follow it []. As I understand it, this page is used to share information about boating on the Great Lakes, advertise GLCC School events and promote the GLCC in general. It was first created in 2009.

Great Lakes Cruising Club Group is a private group that you must be admitted to (select Join Now). It was apparently created in February 2023. Franky, I just learned about it yesterday. There are not that many posts on it as yet (after you are admitted, select "Discussion" to view).





GLCC has two committees that may make use of social media: Communications/Public Relations and Digital Marketing.  In the interest of better informing myself and providing feedback to these two committees, I would appreciate your views on the following:

  • Were you aware of GLCC's two Facebook pages?
  • Do you find either of these interesting/helpful?
  • Do you have any suggestions on how they can be improved?
  • Do you use Instagram or other social media?

Sat, 11/30/2024 - 13:33


Hi Cynthia,

Answering your questions:

1.  I was vaguely aware that we had a "page" for sharing information about the GLCC and a separate "group" where Facebook conversations could take place.  Judging by the 70+ people that joined the group immediately after you posted this message, I suspect many others weren't aware of this either.  Thanks for highlighting it.

2.  I'm not much a a Facebook user but I certainly see the value in the FB page and the FB group.

3.  There's always room for improvement.  I'm grateful to the club members who take the time to administer our FB presence.  This sounds like a good subject for a Lifeline article.

4.  I rarely use FB and I have no other social media presence.