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New Member Fees Payment

The GLCC New Member Drive is in January & February and New members will automatically received a $25.00 discount on the initiation fee.

Note: Recurring payments can be canceled in subsequent years by notifying the office prior to December 1 each year. After that date each member is committed to a full year’s dues per the membership agreement. An ANNUAL RECURRING DUES SUBSCRIPTION cannot be created if the credit card being used expires within the next 12 months. Prices are in USD.

Fees, The Lifeline is free & emailed to all members and the Membership Directory & Fleet Register price is subject to change each year. You will be notified of any change in advance.

Lifeline  is the GLCC publication. It is a monthly newsletter.

Lifeline  and the Membership & Fleet Directory can be accessed and printed from the website free of charge:

Lifeline (website version)

Membership & Fleet Directory (website version)

If after paying fees you would like to subscribe and pay for the printed Membership & Fleet Directory, please contact the office at 810-984-4500 or by email to

Required Joint Membership Dues
This amount will be billed annually to your credit card on your renewal anniversary date.
Initiation Fee
This fee is required for new members but is only charged once.
Optional Membership Additions
Any options selected here will be billed annually to your credit card on your renewal anniversary date.
Any donation added here will be billed annually to your credit card on your renewal anniversary date.
Membership Agreement Acceptance