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Is CanPASS the Same as ArriveCAN?

Posted by Leonard Buchanan
June 12, 2023

I was looking for the CanPASS app in the PlayStore and it came up with ArriveCAN, which states it is currently available to international air travellers who enter canada.

Is there someplace else I should be looking for the CanPass app?  I will not be using the app this summer but my wife and I are planning to go up through the North Channel, down Georgian Bay to the Trent Severn, Thousand Islands and back next summer.


Sat, 06/17/2023 - 14:58


We have the enhanced drivers license and also carry our passports.

We used the ArriveCan to upload COVID vac cards during covid now not needed.

Just call the Canada Customs number (888-226-7277) and answer the questions like:

- are you bringing drugs or guns?

- are you bringing more than allowed of alcohol?    

- not sure the others but they are pretty lame....


Len Buchanan

Sat, 06/17/2023 - 10:05


I have another question.  Do we NEED to have Nexus?  While I don't have a problem with the investigation and the $50/pp, I would have to go to Port Huron, MI or Detroit, MI for our interview which are both a good 3 hour drive away from where I live.  If we both have U.S. Passports, is that good enough?  It may take me a little longer to clear both U.S. and Canadian customs, but that is not a problem.


Mon, 06/12/2023 - 14:51


ArriveCan is now only used by those flying into Canada, not via water. I actually preferred using ArriveCan as I didn't have to sit on hold waiting for a CBSA officer to answer. 

Since you have time, I would highly recommend getting Nexus - makes going back and forth very easy. Went into Kingston a week ago, back to the US on Thursday, and likely will head back into Canada tomorrow. 

Allows you to explore both sides of the Thousand Islands!


Mon, 06/12/2023 - 13:18


Hi Leonard,

CanPASS and ArriveCAN are not the same thing. CanPASS has been discontinued for pleasure craft. Here’s a quote from the CBSA website:


The CANPASS Air and CANPASS Private Boats programs have been discontinued. Current members will be able to maintain privileges until their membership expires. Check to see if you are eligible to join NEXUS instead as it offers similar or even greater benefits when travelling across the Canada-U.S. border.

Other CBSA programs, such as CANPASS – Private Aircraft, CANPASS – Corporate Aircraft, and Remote Area Border Crossing (RABC) are not affected by this discontinuation.



ArriveCAN was developed during COVID to expedite border crossing by submitting documents including vaccination certificates in advance of arriving at the border. It is no longer mandatory. I used it last year when returning home to Canada and if I was to make the same trip again, I would likely use ArriveCAN again even though it’s not mandatory. It’s helpful for the CBSA officers (and therefor helpful to you) if your boat documents and passports are in the officer’s hand when you call to clear in rather than trying to provide all the document numbers and other details over the phone. 


When you return to the US, the ROAM app is excellent. 

