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Resources and Relationships for Great Lakes Cruisers

Whether you’re an old salt or a novice, power boater or sailor, captain or crew, there’s always more to know about cruising the Great Lakes. Sharing information is what we’re all about. We are cruisers helping cruisers--to find remote anchorages; navigate locks and waterways; hone skills via online webinars; or connect with other cruisers and build friendships.

Many join GLCC to obtain access to our constantly updated online Harbor Reports--considered the most authoritative, accurate and up-to-date cruising documents on the Great Lakes. These reports provide detailed observations by members who have personally visited the area, anchorage, harbor or waterway. Is that restaurant still there?  What about propane, hospitals or groceries? What’s the best approach? Current depth? How can I avoid rocks and shoals in an uncharted anchorage? A GLCC report is sometimes the only information source available for a particular remote location. Plus each report contains first hand and useful details, as shown in these three sample reports for anchorages in Lake Superior, The North Channel and Georgian Bay

Unlike other guides, our reports are constantly updated – over 1000 since our start in 1934 — and regularly maintained by our members in a "wiki" format on the Web. They are viewable, printable and can be downloaded to your phone and computer for off line viewing while cruising. 

And our renowned harbor reports are just the beginning… 

•    Many harbors have GLCC Port Captains, who provide local knowledge and assistance-- especially helpful for cruisers outside their home waters.

•    A growing number of yacht clubs -- Great Lakes and beyond -- extend reciprocity to GLCC members.

•    Member discounts for marine services, products, marinas and gas docks are available.

•    Our online school offers live and recorded classes in all aspects of cruising. 

•    Collective member experiences provide priceless material for discussions, stories and boating tips. 

•    Besides our popular annual rendezvous, we arrange rallies, flotillas, and fun social events. 

But the best GLCC experiences just seem to “happen,” when members find each other in the same harbor, refuge, anchorage, wilderness or dock.  Having fun with fellow cruisers may be the best of all GLCC membership benefits.


Over 1000 Harbor Reports

Harbor Report screenshot

One of the great member benefits of joining the Great Lakes Cruising Club is access to our detailed Cruising Guides for over 1000 harbors of the five Great Lakes as well as Lake St. Clair. Our Harbor Reports are continually updated by fellow GLCC members, and the latest versions are immediately available on this website.

Non-Members: Lifeline Newsletter

Want to learn more about what’s happening with the GLCC? Sign up for our monthly newsletter. It's Free!

Monday in the GLCCSchool – Marine Communications: How to Talk on a Marine Radio

From dealing with emergencies to hailing a bridge tender, everyone on board must be able to use the VHF radio. Do you fully understand your VHF radio? Is your crew prepared to use the radio when you cannot?
If you want to increase your radio knowledge base and be better prepared to teach your crew how to use this critical marine communications tool, join us fascinating GLCCSchool webinar.

Tuesday in the GLCCSchool – Understanding and Avoiding Thunderstorms – Part 2

Join Mark Thornton on Tuesday March 18th & 25th as he takes an in depth look at these strong and dangerous storms. Thunderstorms can come quickly and can bring with them strong winds, large waves, dangerous lightning and even waterspouts. Understanding what causes and makes up a thunderstorm can help you avoid danger. Remember the old adage “forewarned is forearmed?” It certainly applies to this webinar.

Missed Part 1, but still want to register? No problem, we will provide all late registrants with a link to the recording of the first session so you’ll be ready to jump right into Part 2.

Wednesday in the GLCCSchool – North Channel Ports and the Little Current Cruisers’ Net

The North Channel is famous for its wonderful scenery and secluded anchorages but did you know that sprinkled in this gorgeous wilderness is an assortment of charming small towns and ports? The North Channel is also home to the amazing Little Current Cruisers’ Net, a VHF radio broadcast that each morning links together cruising boat through the channel.

Join North Channel native Roy Eaton as gives you tips and info only a local can provide.

Thursday in the GLCCSchool – Marine Communications: Outfitting Your Boat for the Great Lakes

The equipment you need to communicate on the water varies depending on where and how you will use your boat, and the technologies for marine communication are changing all the time. Do you possess the appropriate communication equipment? Is your current equipment outdated and potentially unsafe? If you are a serious cruiser don’t miss this thorough look at modern marine communications equipment.

You could earn 2925 GLCC Founders Award

Have you had a fun / exceptional / learning cruising experience on the Great Lakes
that you would like to share with other GLCC members? The Founders Award is a great way to take other cruisers along with you during that memorable time on the water

Here’s what you need to know about 2025 Rendezvous

Start planning now to attend the 2025 Annual Rendezvous in Little Current, Ont. Debby and Jib Turner are pleased to chair this year’s Rendezvous. It is a homecoming of sorts, marking the 60th anniversary of GLCC’s first modern Rendezvous also held in Little Current.